Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21st

Today I decided after listening to all my friends, that I too should start a blog. I don't have the time but I think many people have the right idea for journaling their lives.
Today is the first day of watching my grandson Alex, (to your right) while his parents spend the week-end in Las Vegas. In the picture he is wearing his Papo's shoes. He is 14 months old and they don't come much cuter than he. He is napping and that is why I have a second to get this started.
His parents were married on Monday and we are thrilled to finally be a complete family. (That's them on the top left.)
Papo-Lyle ( under Alex) is my husband of 31 years, we have two children. Deidra the one who just married. Amron who was married in July. (lower left picture) Amron and his wife, Brooke are expecting their first child in April, we are all very excited for them. Monday they will have their first sonagram, and hopefully we will find out the sex of the child. Amron is really excited to become a father.


Jolene said...

Yeah Susie! I'm so proud of you for joining the Mormon mommy blogging revolution!

Suzerino said...

Thank you my sister, and if you will check out todays I guarantee you will laugh